Energize Blissfully: Eat a Rainbow
Did you know that tomatoes grow in a rainbow of colors, shapes and sizes, not just red?
Unlike tomato products made from industrial tomato puree which include just one variety of tomato (and artificial ingredients used to manufacture mouth feel and flavor), Tomato Bliss is made with a rainbow's worth of tomato varieties (and no junk).
Consuming a broad spectrum of heirloom tomatoes, like the ones in Tomato Bliss, can prevent disease and transform your health with phytonutrients. These natural plant compounds, maintain and modulate our immune functions to prevent cell damage and diseases. You know you're getting phytonutrients when you eat colorful fruits and vegetables.
A diet rich in rainbow tomatoes also gives you a wide spectrum of vitamins.
With multi colors you get multi nutrients.
Here's what you get with Tomato Bliss:
Red & Blush tomatoes deliver: lycopene, Vitamin C and anthocyanin
Orange & Yellow tomatoes deliver: beta carotene, Vitamin A and alpha carotene
Green & Purple tomatoes deliver: iron, magnesium and Vitamin K.
Want to learn more about heirloom tomatoes? Send us an e-mail at hello@tomatobliss.com.