Rosted Heirloom Tomato Soup fast-tracks this traditional Mexican stew adding flavor and substance. Wonderful as is or make it a hearty meal for a crowd by adding a cup or two of cooked beans, shredded chicken, or pulled pork.

Step 1
Cook pepper with a tablespoon of water over low heat in a large saucepan, covered, for five minutes, until soft. (Sweating the pepper makes it sweet.)
Step 2
Add the soup and hominy - including liquid and simmer 8-10 minutes.
Step 3
Add your choice of mix-ins. Add up to 1/2 cup water if it needs thinning.
Stir in greens and cook to soften a minute or so (depending on greens).
Serve in bowls with desired toppings.
Ingredient list
24 ozTomato Bliss
1poblano or bell pepper, chopped
2large handfuls of spinach, swiss chard or kale
1 cupfrozen corn
1 28 oz canwhite hominy, including liquid
2-3 cupsof mix-ins like cooked beans, shredded chicken, brisket or pulled pork
Toppingssliced avocado, cilantro, thinly sliced radishes, shredded romaine or green cabbage, fresh lime, Cojita cheese