Partner Spotlight: Caroline at L&M Fine Foods

Partnership is core to Tomato Bliss. Today we celebrate a favorite local woman-owned partner, L&M Fine Foods. Meet Caroline from the L&M team below.

Tomato Bliss: What do you do at L&M and how'd you get there? 

Caroline: My official title is Assistant Manager/Beer Buyer/Social Media & Marketing Manager. I started at L&M at the beginning of the pandemic as a cashier. I had been bartending right up until the day Chicago shut down and I was fortunate enough to get a job right away. I worked my way up to my current position learning and growing along the way. I can't thank the owner, Rebecca, enough for being one of the most supportive business owners I've ever worked for.

Tomato Bliss: Tomato Lover? If yes, What's your favorite way to eat tomatoes?

Caroline: I LOVE tomatoes, but they give me the worst heartburn haha! My favorite way to have tomatoes is in tomato basil bisque with grilled cheese on the side.

photo courtesy of @chitomatosouplover

Tomato Bliss: Do you have a favorite house-made product at L&M?

Caroline: My favorite house-made product at L&M is a hard one! I have a total addiction to the buffalo chicken dip (also heartburn inducing), but I think the thing that I eat the most is the curried chicken salad from the deli. The pepitas and mangos in it just make it so unique and delicious. 

 Tomato Bliss: In general, what brings you bliss? 

CarolineThe thing that brings me the most bliss is the happiness of others. My favorite thing is to watch someone be genuinely happy without any other care in the world. It lights me up inside.


Click here to learn more about L&M Fine Foods.